
What Are Some Things to Do in Dublin for 24 Hours?

What Are Some Things to Do in Dublin for 24 Hours?

Things to do in Dublin can be conducted within 24 hours. Dublin has many tourism destinations in the center of city. Of course, it eases you to explore the capital city of Ireland Republic.

Visiting Dublin Castle

Castle is a center of Ireland Republic government that is opened for tourists. Prepare time for an hour to get around castle built in King John of England government in 1204. Traveling tour with the cost of 10 Euro will give you experience about Ireland history and Dublin Castle. In addition, you will get surprised to see rooms and collections inside the castle. You can learn history of the collections in this castle to enrich your knowledge.

Coming to Dublinia and Christ Chruch Cathedral

From this museum, it saves history about the coming and authority about Viking in Ireland. Don’t imagine that the shape of museum is boring because it packs and keeps important information interactively. This museum will connect you to Christ Church Cathedral. This chruch was built by Dublin King with Viking nationality, Sitruic Silkbeard in 1030. Prepare 9,5 Euro to come to Dublinia and 6,5 Euro to come to Christ Chruch Cathedral.

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Exploring General Post Office

The exploration of General Post Office becomes one of fun things to do in Dublin. The establishment of this building adapted ancient Greek architecture started in 12th August 1814 and officially used to be post office since 6th January 1818. The establishment of this building is not aimed to be a tourism destination. However, the design of the building applies portico concept, porch with high pillars, making this building attracting more tourists to come to this place for capturing photos.

Coming to Temple Bar

After you get satisfied for doing selfie or wefie in General Post Office, let’s move to the other tourism destinations. You can come to Temple Bar at night when you get tired for exploring Dublin in a whole day. In this place, you can see a line of pubs and cafe. Those will attract your attention to take a side there or just stay in the pub or cafe.

Pub and cafes are not only serving some kinds of foods and drinks but it performs live music. You can relieve your tiredness in Temple Bar. Choose a right pub performing local music show performance of Ireland. Folk music played will make you always remember about Ireland. Those are some things to do in Dublin.

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