
What To See In Rome? Check Out This Guide On Rome If You Plan On Visiting it

What To See In Rome? Check Out This Guide On Rome If You Plan On Visiting it

If you ever ask yourself the question ‘what to see in Rome’, then you might be out of your mind. Rome is a city filled to the brim with magnificent things to visit and to look at. If you decide to visit Rome, be sure to visit these places because this places will certainly give you the best of Rome.

The Sistine Chapel

While the Coliseum should be on your priority list, I do believe that the Coliseum is kind of overused in many travel guides. That is why I recommend this place for you to visit. The Sistine Chapel is the place if you want to be surrounded by art. Why? Simply because the place is a work of art on itself. Added to it the many sculptures and frescoes that decorate the walls of this particular chapel.

You can even see the stories of both Christ and Moses over here, giving you a taste of how Christianity is so thick in Rome. Got to love Michelangelo, am I right?

The Vatican Gardens should answer that ‘what to see in Rome’ question

Gardens all over the world barring a few will always be a perfect place for a visit. This garden is no exception to that rule. While it is located in the Vatican (hence the name), many people who visit Rome will ALWAYS visit Vatican. Vatican is like a part of Rome while being a part outside of it, which kind of makes Vatican a sticking thumb. The sticking thumb is good, though, so I will not bother criticizing it.

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I digress. Now let us talk about the garden now.

This garden over here is just like any other gardens all over the world. It got flowers, a nice grassy spot to look at, and it gives a regal aura while being humble at the same time (I know it is hard to swallow but that is the description I can give about this place). Meditation and contemplation are the two major things that go well in the Vatican Gardens, so if you are looking for a peace of mind, you can find it here.

Unfortunately, the gardens are somewhat off section for public. You can take a guided tour though if you want to.

Villa Borghese too

Do you know what makes a Villa interesting? Usually, a Villa is interesting thanks to its historical value, but this Villa right here does not have a significant historical value to think of. So what attracts people to this Villa?

Maybe the fact that it is NOT a villa is the main attraction. Villa Borghese, in opposition to its name, is not a villa. It is closer to a garden that is open to public, very much unlike the Vatican Gardens. Villa Borghese, although it is an attraction on its own, is the home of many other tourist spots you can go. There is the lake, the statues, the fountains, and the museums, all of which can be a good spot for selfies or group pictures.

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That is all about the places that I recommend you visit in Rome. Hope this somehow answers your what to see in Rome question, guys.
